Ryan Seys

Next OTrain

Next-OTrain is a one-click solution to determine when Ottawa’s O-Train is scheduled for its next arrival.

Ottawa, Ontario is home to the OTrain, a lightrail train that travels between 5 stops, the middle of which is my school, Carleton University. I got fed up trying to memorize when the next one was going to arrive so I made this app to help me!

The web app loads quickly and is easy to navigate. Just click your station, and instantly you can see when the next one is scheduled to arrive along with a second-by-second countdown to its scheduled arrival time.

Next OTrain

…and if a screenshot isn’t enough, you can see it live at:

$ open http://nextotrain.com

You can also mark a station as a favourite which will auto-load when you load the page again. Browser cookies are used for storing your favourite station.

Note: Currently the OTrain is under construction :( It is scheduled to be back up and running in Fall 2013, featuring more stations with more obscure times to memorize. The webapp reflects the current known state of the OTrain and will be updated accordingly in the future.


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